Some of my interests..

Web Design

Learned HTML, CSS, XML and JS. Completed "Responsive Web Design" by freeCodeCamp. Its a free platform where you can learn and practice.


Coding improves thinking skill. I learned about different type of data structures, and their implementation while programming.

Human Centered Design

This course from coursera taught me how to build a good user-interface and design. Learned how to make prototype,storyboards etc.


I am interested in digital marketing. Done few courses like Digital Marketing by google and AI in digital marketing by Udemy.

Events and Management

Attending and hosting events excites me. Being a co-ordinator of Gravitas, conducted events having above 100+ participants.

Sentiment Analysis

I recently developed my interest in this field. I wrote my first paper on this and built a project sentiment analysis on movie reviews.


I believe in learning by doing.